The Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin Library & Archives
As you may have noted, our programs are usually free of charge. If you are able to make a donation, it will help us go further in 2025 when we hope to publish more books, provide more classes, and help many more practitioners on their journey. We are grateful for a gift of any amount for monthly expenses, specific projects, or endowment.
​We Welcome Your One-Time or Recurring Monthly Donation
Projects and Needs for 2025
Publications in Process or Planning:
• The Chariot of Liberation (audio of five talks by the Vajra Regent with the Dorje Loppön).
• The Unobstructed Way: Commentary on Gampopa’s The Jewel Ornament of Liberation.
• Practicing Enlightenment: Mind and Meditation on the Buddhist Path.
• Steppingstones to Enlightenment: The Transcendent Qualities of Mahayana Buddhism.
• Recollections from the Heart (a memoir by Lady Rich)
• Conversations with Ordinary People (selections from questions and answers at various seminars).
• Awakened Heart: The Practice of Letting Go (from Shambhala Training Level 4 talks).
Upcoming Courses and Programs:
• Monthly: New Moon practice and study of the Sadhana of Mahamudra with short videos from the Vidyadhara’s seminars on the Sadhana from 1975. Open to all.
• Monthly: Vajrayogini Teachings from The Indestructible Path: The Sadhana of the Coemergent Mother. A course for sadhakas.
• Monthly: Online gatherings called “Recollections.” Participants will have the opportunity to offer recollections of the most memorable and impactful interactions, experienced as teaching moments, that they have had with the Vidyadhara or the Vajra Regent, as well as other lineage teachers.
• February – March: Shambhala Day and Milarepa Day. One-day practice programs
• April: Program commemorating the Parinirvana of Vidyadhara the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
• May – June: "Patience: The Armor of Nonaggression," a course based on the ITS taught by the Vajra Regent in 1981. Discussion will be led by Michael Rich.
• June: Second anniversary of the Parinirvana of Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche.
• August: Program commemorating the Parinirvana of Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin.
• September – December: “Awakened Heart,” a course based on the Vajra Regent’s Level 4 Shambhala Training teachings, to be led by Lady Lila Rich.
Publishing and Archiving Costs ($7,000):
• Plan, edit, design, and print new books, as well as format digital editions, create audiobooks, videos, documentaries, and other teaching materials.
• Transcribe and digitally archive the Vajra Regent’s teachings, poetry, and artworks.
• Hiring assistance in organizing the physical archives facility in Boulder, Colorado.
Ongoing Operation Costs ($7,500):
• Storage costs for archives of teachings, records, poetry, artworks, and relics.
• Website hosting, security, and software updates for VROT.org and VajraRegent.org. Continued improvement of main website and Timeline of Teachings for additional content, easier access, and improved search function.
• Subscription fees: Constant Contact email program for announcements of programs and courses; Zoom for online participation; and PayPal for accepting donations.
• Office and administration expenses.
New Support Vehicle: “Legacy Fund”:
• Donations: We are accepting major contributions as capital for the purpose of sustaining revenue for the Library & Archives’ efforts into the future. Our initial goal is $50,000.
• Bequests: it is our hope that members of the sangha like you consider including a bequest to the Library & Archives’ Legacy Fund in your will.
We Welcome Your One-Time or Recurring Monthly Donation

About Our Ongoing Work
The preservation and publishing of all the works of the Vajra Regent are the result of long hours of dedicated work in conservation, archiving, digitizing, transcribing, editing, and administering the Vajra Regent Ösel Tendzin Library. This work has gone forward under the leadership of Lady Lila Rich, the Library & Archives director, and a steering committee of volunteers. A generous but small group of supporters have provided some necessary funds for preserving the core collection of audio and video recordings in digital format. And, since the Vajra Regent’s parinirvana in 1990, more than 100 students have volunteered their time in the ongoing transcribing of the collected teachings of the Vajra Regent.
We have built the foundation of the Library & Archives’ holdings and resources, and in order to go forward and share these brilliant teachings more widely, we need to create an energetic and broad base of support.
We invite and encourage your participation. We greatly appreciate donations of any amount. All donations are tax-deductible and can be set up as automatic monthly withdrawals through our website. As a supporter, you will receive regular updates on the activities of the Library & Archives.
Thank You!!